Searching for Minnesota's Best Jucy Lucy

My quest to find the tastiest JuLu in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

Back to Minneapolis...

After a brief venture to Mendota to sample a Jucy Lucy east of the river -- I changed my plan for the week and went back to a Minneapolis restaurant. Adrian's Tavern is also in the Nokomis area of Minneapolis, like Matt's and the 5-8. Upon first impressions, Adrian's had a lot going for itself. What do Minnesotans love almost as much as a good Jucy Lucy? A Jucy Lucy accompanied by cheese curds and keg root beer.

Adrian's has a similar atmosphere to Matt's - very true to the neighborhood in which it is located.

It is worth noting for all Jucy Lucy lovers that Adrian's should be enjoyed on a completely empty stomach. Unlike other Jucy Lucy establishments, Adrian's serves its Jucy as a double cheeseburger. After cheese curds and multiple glasses of 1919 rootbeer, I was full before the end of the 20 minute wait for the burger and fries.

All in all, Adrian's does a pretty standard (yet delicious) version of the Jucy. I'd give it a solid 2 3/4 stars out of 4 -- the extra 3/4 goes to the cheese curds and root beer. If the burger came with fries (or at least an option to substitute), I could have felt it worth a solid 3.


I'm intrigued about this phenomenon. Are you sure to find this on the menu of any Minneapolis restaurant that serves burgers? Are they popular throughout the state, or does the likelihood of getting one lessen as you leave the city? Can you even guess how many places serve it? Do you know of any "sightings" of the Juicy Lucy outside of Minnesota? I'm enjoying your look into local color.

June 29, 2009 at 10:19 PM  
EG said...

Rachel -

I would say the Juicy Lucy is about 50/50 on how easy it is to find. Most small bars have their own variation (this week, I'm trying one stuffed with mushroom and swiss!) There are a few places out of the metro that have them, but usually that is confined to maybe 1 restaurant per city... I'd guess there are about 50 places that have them, I'm just starting to crack the surface of the list! Otherwise, I've never seen a Juicy Lucy anywhere else... they may have them in certain areas of Wisconsin (they love their cheese!) but otherwise, I'd be surprised to find one anywhere else!

June 30, 2009 at 9:15 PM  

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