Searching for Minnesota's Best Jucy Lucy

My quest to find the tastiest JuLu in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

Not so Lucky's

As I mentioned last week, my Jucy Lucy adventure is slowly expanding out of the confines of the Minneapolis city limits. Yesterday, I ventured east of the river to Mendota's Lucky's 13 Pub. Because of the fact that I love the St. Paul suburbs, I was excited to see what Lucky's had in store for me. I thought that this would be the perfect place to start with a new feature I'll be introducing to my blog - reviews accompanied with cheesy photos. Armed with my iPhone, I was ready to take a picture of Lucky's oozy Juicy Lulu (their variation on the name).

To set the scene - I had just returned from a family reunion in Northern Minnesota and had my VERY Texan cousin, Libby, in tow. Because Libby had never heard of a Jucy Lucy, I figured that she would be a perfect companion on my trip. Unfortunately, I was not able to sway her on the merits of the J.L. and ended up flying solo when we ordered.

You'll notice that this blog is NOT accompanied by pictures. Thus the basis for the 1/5 stars I've given to Lucky's. Immediately upon cutting into the burger (trust me - you HAVE to cut it, unless you want to risk first degree burns), all of the cheese poured out and I was looking at a ground beef patty with a hole in it, and a cheese-soaked bun.

Needless to say, I may have to give Lucky's another shot - but I'm holding out hope that Newt's will provide me with a photo opp before the week is over.


Being from Texas, I am curious as to Libby's reaction to any Juicy Lucy. I was sad to hear that the cheese has liquefied and lost its shape, but it sounds like a chore for the Wonder Twins. Thank you for this ongoing saga and in the land of fajita tacos, I am totally intrigued.

Wonder Twin powers activate: shape of a giant cheese wheel, form of a giant patty.


June 28, 2009 at 10:11 PM  
EG said...

I have to say, if I could have gotten her to eat the Juicy Lucy, I absolutely would have. It's one of those foods that requires a technique to eat (even if that just means cutting it in half to avoid a grease burn). You'll certainly appreciate one of my stops this week - a restaurant called Laredo's Tex West Grill where I will be trying the "Texan cousin" of the Jucy Lucy - the Juicy Julio.

June 28, 2009 at 10:48 PM  

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